Monday, January 18, 2010

Okay, that's enough.

Yeah, last week's weigh in was great... a little weight loss was enough for me. I'm not looking for miracles here. But today, I am at 201. That's 2.5 more than last week. I know it's been a tough week - we had a potluck at lunch Friday, I ate too much Thai food last night, and Sonic for lunch and pizza for dinner Saturday was not a good idea either. But I was still really frustrated this morning when I stepped on the scale.

The worst thing about my weight is that my clothes are not fitting well. I refuse to go buy more pants unless the ones I have become to large. That means that I will be going to work in uncomfortable, ill-fitting clothes until I drop about 10 pounds.

All that said, I did make a few good choices today:
  • Spinach salad for lunch.
  • Yogurt for a snack instead of the crunchy granola bar or M&M's that were also available.
  • Tea for a drink at work instead of soda.
  • Plate full of fresh fruit and veggies with a Thai summer roll for dinner, also with tea.
  • Went to the store when I was hungry and didn't pick up a candy bar or any junk food.

I don't know what is keeping me from being able to stick to my guns when it comes to meals. I know when I am overeating that I should have put less on my plate, or that I could have made a different choice, but it's like I constantly feel I deserve to reward myself. I need to come up with another reward besides food. Or remind myself that a bag of Doritos are not a good trade for smaller clothes, better health, and longer life.


  1. More of my $.02...

    While you're trying to lose inches, try to ignore weight. The best measure of how you're doing IMO is how do your clothes fit? I lost an inch and a half once without losing a pound.

    As to food:
    For me, if it's in the house I'm probably going to eat it. So the key has been to not HAVE it in the house. I know that's tough in your situation though.

    Here are the four easy-to-spout rules that I try to follow:
    1) Don't drink sodas - if I need caffeine, I'll go with tea.
    2) Avoid deep-fried carb foods (fried, doughnuts, etc.). I tend to be more lenient when it's fried meat (shrimp, chicken, etc.)
    3) Shop at farmer's markets and buy from farmers you trust/know.
    4) When I can't get it at farmer's markets, I check the label, and if it has high fructose corn syrup, or any ingredient I don't know, I try to avoid it. For instance, the ingredient in maple syrup should be maple syrup. Peanut butter should have something like peanuts, peanut oil, and salt.

    The best thing you can do for you and your family, is to slowly get rid of the food in the house that's bad for you. This, of course, takes buy-in from everyone, though.

  2. yup, you've hit the proverbial nail on the head there... Saying it's spinach salad for dinner won't go over well with the fambly. That said, there are certainly ways to make great food with healthier ingredients.
